Saturday, September 23, 2006

Awesome Sky Pics

April and I were on the way home from the library the other night, and noticed a rainbow in the sky. So I decided to stop at lakeside park and take some pictures.
The sky looked like it was on fire. It was really cool. You can't see the rainbow very well in the first pic, but if you look closely at the second pic, you can see it.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Close one door, open another.

Isn't it funny, how God closes one door, and opens another for us a moment later?

I am talking about the current situation that I'm in with my employment status. I quit one job, and a few days later, got a call from another company offering me a really great job. I thought about it for a bit, and decided to take the job.

It dawned on me that what I had heard and believed all my life was true. God never closes one door without having another one ready to open. Pretty cool, huh?

Let Go, Let God, and Be Blessed!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Self Respect

There has been a lot going on in my life as of late, and a lot of it has not been good. There is so much, I have become overwhelmed by it all. It is as if I have been in a downward spiral; a free fall that tumbling down and down until finally crashing hard upon the ground.

The job that I had turned out to be a bad fit for me, and I came to that realization after some things took place that made me really begin to question myself and my abilities. So, I decided that I would quit. Yes, that's right, I quit.

I did what? You read it right, I Quit! I know what you are thinking right now. The writer of the "You Must Not Quit!" blog, has quit something. You must be thinking I'm quite the hypocrit right now. Well, I thought so too. I have felt like shit the last week, knowing that I walked away from one of the best opportunities that I have had as of late. I've beaten myself up over it, over and over. The situation has taken control of my mind. I lost my ability to think clearly, and ultimately lost control of myself.

Last night, as I was talking with April, I came to a revelation. It's all about Self Respect! I had seemingly lost my self respect, because I quit something. I'm not a quitter. I never give up without one hell of a fight. So, that lead to my feeling so bad. Well, for years I have been going on and on about how I don't take shit from anyone, and that no one is going to walk on me, and treat me like a piece of shit. It suddenly dawned on me, that I had what it took to stand up to that guy, and put an end to the repressive behavior that he was pushing on me. It's not that I just quit the job. I had enough respect for myself to stand up, and put an end to the way I was being treated.

I had allowed all of those feelings of self doubt to fill me, and take hold of my mind. Then while talking to April, I was reminded of that little thing called Self Respect. I had been feeling guilty, and that I was wrong for quitting the job. Thanks to April, I have been able to get those thoughts out. It's not wrong for a man to have enough respect for himself to stand up to those who are attacking him. The true test of character, is the reaction that we put forth when faced with difficult situations. My character has been tested, and I have passed the test.

I have not wasted my time or money gaining my college degree. I am not stupid, nor am I any less of a human being that any other person. I am not weak, nor am I a quitter. If I am none of these, what am I?

I am a strong, confident, caring, loving, and passionate man. I have a sound mind, and a strong spirit. I am well educated; possessing the knowledge and abilities needed to make it in this world. I am strong willed; filled with a sense of determination and endurance that will carry me through all situations. I am filled with respect, not only for others, but more importantly, for myself.