Upon graduating from high school, those perparing to go off to college tend to have in mind that they are ready for college. The cling to the notion that if they could make it through the trial and tribulation of high school, they can surely survive the hell, fire, and brimstone of college.
Based on the experiences I have had in college, it has become abundantly clear that a fair percentage of the students are not ready for college at all. Many lack the maturity and mental apptitude to make it in college, let alone make it in the post-graduate world.
As I dwell upon these thoughts, may questions come to mind. Naturally, the first question is: what makes me any different that those who aren't cutting it? What do I have that other students don't? Why am I driven to succeed as I am, and they aren't? Why do others lack the motivation that I have?
Next, Why do so many students waste money to come to college, when all they do is play games in their rooms day in and day out? Why are some college students so immature? Why are some of them so inconsiderate?
Those questions lead me to more questions. like... Do these students have a good support system at home? I mean do their parents/families give a damn about them? Do the parents/families encourage their kids to do the best that they can? or do they just write the check to pay the bills, and turn a blind eye to everything else? Is there family involvement at all?
These are just some of the things that I am thinking about right now. These topics and more are going to be the premise for my book. I thought over the last post that I wrote when I wasn't sure about what to write, and decided to write about how well prepared (or not) today's students are for college. Basing all of this on observations that I have made during the last three and a half years.
I would greatly appreciate the input of others on this. I would like to know if anyone else has noticed this "lack of readiness" among college students. Feel free to comment, telling me what you have noticed, and what you think can be attributed it.
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