Sunday, August 20, 2006


I'm sure, by now, the few readers that look at this thing have been noticing the infrequency of my postings as of late. I got to thinking about the word Infrequency, and thought I'd share an actual dictionary definition with you.

From the American Heritage Dictionary -

in·fre·quent (n-frkwnt)
1. Not occurring regularly; occasional or rare: an infrequent guest.
2. Situated or placed at rather wide intervals, as in time or space: infrequent oases in the desert.


in·frequence, in·frequen·cy n.
in·frequent·ly adv.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000

Now, I'm sure you are thinking that this is just a bullshit post; thinking that this is an attempt to post something, without posting anything at all. And, you would be right. Lots of stuff going on with me right now, but I can't really bring myself to write about much of it. Well, not in a public forum anyway.

I'm alive, and that's all anyone really needs to know.

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