Monday, December 11, 2006

Family Matters

When faced with the imminent death of a loved one, one comes to realize just how much that person means to them, and to the family as a whole. As the effects of the coming events begin to spread through out the family, and you see how it tears people apart, you come to realize just how much family matters. I am now faced with such a situation; awaiting the coming death of my grandmother.

My mind is racing, as I'm trying to process what is happening, and prepare myself for the unpleasantness that will follow her passing. I am struggling with all of this, and am unsure just how I'm going to deal with everyone else. I'm finding that my mind is not on target; I'm constantly thinking about things in louisville, when I should be focused on working here in fort wayne.

I will be writing more as I have it in words, but for now, I can say no more.

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