Sunday, January 08, 2006

Not sure...

I'm not really sure what to make of the feelings I am having, but lately I've been feeling drawn to write a book. What type of book? Well, I'm not sure about that either. During the week or so that I spent at April's, I felt drawn to write a book about my life. This weekend, ideas about a book on college life have been on my mind. I'm just not sure which way to go with it. In some ways, I would really like to write a book on college life. I mean with the experiences that I've had, I could surely offer some insights on the subject. I know that countless books have been written on this subject, but there must be some aspects of college life that aren't really dealt with adequately. And I know that none of the books give as straight-forward of a opinion as I would. So, I would like to pose a question to the few readers that I have:

If you were to read a book on college life, what issues would you really want to read about?

Think about it, and post you thoughts as comments. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


minetto said...

Hi Mike!
Fist off,
I really encourage youin your writting project! I think it's great that you would want to take on the challenge! Good on you!

I think you should write more about something that you think would interest you, or that you have noticed in your own experience at the University. I have always been in Arts type programs so I don't know what goes down in Technology type of programs right?

I am sure it would be great to experience what you think would be interesting...Do you find that people in such programs are very succes driven? Pushed hard by their parents?

I am sure there's much more...

But one thing that's for sure, it is always more interesting [in my opinion] to connect with the characters via a unique perception of what they are faced with. So trust your instincts!


Mike said...


Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I appreciate them a lot.

I believe that you make a very valid point. I shouldn't just think of what interests others, I should also be thinking of what interests me. If I have any hope of writing anything substantial, the subject has to be interesting enough to keep my attention through the duration. I hadn't really looked at it from that angle, so thank you for pointing that out.

I will agree, it is always more interesting when the writer has a connection with the characters of his or her writing. When you are able to relate to the characters experiences, things go a lot smoother.

Thanks again.