Monday, May 22, 2006

Hey, I can drive!

After nearly 3 long years, I finally got to take the road test to get my license. Passed with flying colors too. So, that means I can get in my car and drive back to Fort Wayne in a day or so. YAY! I was so nervous, and worried that something would go wrong, and I'd end up here for another week if I had to retake it. Silly me, I did wonderfully over all. I'm good, and I know it. :-D.

Yes, I said 3 long years. I got my permit at the end of 2003, and practiced off and on, but everytime I thought I was ready to take the test, I ended up getting hurt or something, and had to wait even longer. Well the wait is now over, and I am finally a licensed driver, and a damn good one at that. Clear the road, I'm coming through.

More on that exciting development later. Ciao!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dude, I'm a College Grad!

Well after 4 long years, I have finally graduated from college. Indiana Tech's 85th graduation was on this past saturday, May 13, 2006. I now hold a Bachelor of Science in Internet Technologies. Yeehaa.

Dispite the fact that I had a lot to be happy and excited about, I found Graduation to be nothing more than a drag. It was more of a pain in the arse than what it was worth. We had to arrive by 11:00am, a full hour and a half before the ceremony even thought about starting. So I arrive about 11:25; big deal, I was running late. I got in, got my cap and gown on, and walked around the hall to find the little sign under which I was to stand until the procession began. So there I am, standing in place with Tim, the other graduating Internet Technologies major, who was one of my roommates for 3 out of the 4 years at Tech. We literally stood there for what seemed like forever, before finally being marched into the arena.

So the ceremony begins with the typical national anthem, and opening speeches, etc... cough *bullshit* cough.
We got through all that, and then came the bullshit commencement address from Miles Brand, head of the NCAA, and former president of IU. Over all it wasn't bad; I mean he meant well, considering the title was "Making a Moral Difference". Mostly philosophy mumbo-jumbo, blah blah blah, moving on.

Next came the presentation of the Honorary Degrees; snorefest '06 was more like it. I swear the speech for each degree was at least 10 to 15 minutes in length. Where as this, and where as that...who give a rats ass about all that BS.

The graduation ceremony ran 2 and a half hours, which over all isn't bad for a college graduation. However, had they cut out the bullshit speeches, and bumped off all of those damn business majors, we could have been out in 45 mins tops. Had they presented to the engineering and computer studies graduates alone, we could have been out in 20 minutes. The program that they handed out at the door told the story. 98% Business Majors, 2% Engineering/Computer Studies Majors. Our group took only a little more than a page to list, where as those business idiots had at least 5 pages. Anyway, I graduated, and got my fake diploma. Bring on the party and the alcohol.

My family had a big party for me a few hours after graduation was over, and I have to say that I really enjoyed that. After the party was over, a group of us decided that a few drinks would help ease the tension. They certainly made me feel a lot better. :) After that, we decided to go down to the hotel pool/hot tub. Now swimming and alcohol don't really go well, but sitting in that hot tub really helped ease all the tension in my back and neck.

Anyway, I'm tired and have run out of ranting energy for now. I will be going to Louisville tomorrow, and will be back sometime next week. Have to go get the car and take care of some other stuff. Ciao!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Wow, it's been a while since I posted anything on here. There has been so much going on since the last post, I just haven't had the time to be bothered with this thing.

Graduation is right around the corner, and along with finishing course work, I have been apartment and job searching. While my job hunt seems to be going no where fast, I have secured an apartment close to April's. It's not the best little place, but it will work for a start. As far as work goes, I have some contract stuff going now, so that will help until something a little more permanent comes along. I have been sending resumes out left and right, so hopefully some thing will give soon.

Classes end tomorrow, and finals are Monday, Tuesday, and Wedneday of next week. Thankfully I only have tests Monday and Tuesday, so I will use Wednesday to start packing to move. I will get the keys to my place Thursday, so I can move then. Graduation is Saturday May 13, and I am looking forward to being done.