Thursday, January 19, 2006

Damn, do I gotta?

Damn it, do I really have to do another large web project? Seems as though I'm going to have to do a big Senior Project this semester in order to graduate. While I have a project in mind, that seems like it won't be exceedingly difficult, I just finished a large project, and I'm really not ready to start another. And of course I'm prepared to hear that all too familiar line "welcome to the real world." A big ol' screw you to those who are thinking that line as you read this.

For those interested, here's a link to the textbook project that I recently finished.
(Intended to be viewed at 1024 x 768)

So yeah, I'm going to be doing another large web site project for another professor as my senior project. I'm basically going to be rebuilding an existing site, and implementing new technology and information. Fun stuff. Not! More on this later...............

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