Thursday, February 23, 2006

The McMillen Copy Service?

Since when does the McMillen Library offer copy services? I'm sitting at the circulation desk, and in walks one of the security guards, who proceeds to demand that I make some copies for him. Not once, but 2 fricken times. Now grant it he is an older guy, and I try to show some respect for my elders/authority figures, but for the love of god, how hard is it to place a piece of paper on the copier, press the number of copies desired, and press start? How hard is that? Apparently, too hard for this particular chap.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. This time he only want 4 copies of each paper he brought in. However, he has been known to bring in a folder full of stuff, and demand 40 or 50 copies of each. That's bullshit. Why the hell should I have to do someone elses work? Is it really in my job description that I have to make copies for other departments in this building? If this is the kind of shit that I'm going to be expected to do on a regular basis, then by damn, we should be charging a fee for the service.

Hey you lazy some body, copy this!


Mike said...

Maybe I should tell them to do it themselves. If they raise hell, I can raise hell too, and maybe get fired in the process.

Worth a shot anyway.

Mike said...

I sure as hell don't understand that logic. How is work a frickin reward for anything? Time off, vacations, monetary bonuses, etc... are rewards for good work, and are things which are earned.
Working towards being given more work is simply trying to keep your job. And, it is rather irritating to me, that others around here are able to take credit for the work that I do. Bullshit!